Non-Chronological Parallels
As demonstrated throughout this website, the history of the Catholic Church is prefigured by the Old Testament in chronological order, an amazing act of God! In addition to the chronological parallels, there also seems to be other parallels throughout Church history that are more isolated and appear in non-chronological order. Below are some identified non-chronological parallels.
St. Columba and the Prophet Eliseus

Catholic Church history is chronologically prefigured by the Old Testament! Even more, there are also minor and regional persons and events in Church history that are prefigured by the Old Testament often without being in chronological order. These parallels add beauty and complexity to God's masterpiece! St. Columba and Eliseus appears to be one such instance.
Chronological Parallels
The chronological parallels between Church history and the Old Testament are broken into eight, color-coded time periods. Below are additional subsets of parallels that accompany the main body presented throughout this site.

Alexander the Great and Franklin Roosevelt share an amazing amount of stunning chronological parallels. Click here to read about them and click here (see 1:12:00 minute mark) to see them presented in a video. Included here are some similarities with their famous pet dogs!

The Renaissance is prefigured by the reign of King Solomon, with riches, invention, discovery, art, architecture but also corruption. Nested at the end of his "yellow" time period are the parallels between Pope Alexander VI and King Solomon! Click here to see the larger set of "yellow time period" parallels.
Also presented above are parallels between King Solomon and St. Francis, which are non-chronological in nature, and have also been presented on other parts of this website, under the "Saints" tab. We also have a video (click here) detailing the parallels between King Solomon and St. Francis of Assisi.
This site, Maccabean Uprising, has demonstrated that the entire history of the Roman Republic is a chronological prefigurement for the American Republic. However, the typology between the old and new is intricate with many ways of viewing New Testament history through various Old Testament types. Here are some parallels between Ancient Carthage and the United States.
In the Black Time period the parallels between Antiochus IV Epiphanes and John Paul II are explored in detail. Here is a supplemental subset of parallels between women involved in the lives of Antiochus IV Ephiphanes and John Paul II.
The prophecy of the ten horns and the little horn from the Book of Daniel Chapter 7 can be seen as fulfilled in the circumstances of the Italian Risorgimento of 1859 and 1870 in which the freemasonic forces of Victor Emmanuel II conquered three kingdoms on the Italian Peninsula resulting in the total unification of all Italian kingdoms under the new monarchy of Victor Emmanuel II. The freemasons made their capital in Rome after confiscating the Papal States, then went on to blaspheme and de-legitimize Catholicism and the temporal power of the papacy in the process.