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Constantine Prefigured in the Old Testament


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Colorful and descriptive summary of the chronological parallels between the history of the Catholic Church and the history of Israel in the Old Testament.

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The parallels between Church history and Old Testament history shed new light on the prophecy of the 70 Weeks of Years from the Book of Daniel.  See a fulfillment in Church history!

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The fulfillment of the 70 Weeks of Years in the context of the Novus Ordo and Vatican II in turn sheds a tremendous amount of light onto passages of the Book of the Apocalypse.

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As goes Our Lord, so goes His Church.  Our Lord's Passion and Death is mirrored by the Passion of the Church and the Tridentine Mass, in the context of Vatican II and the Novus Ordo rite.

Plesiosaurus / Loch Ness

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God’s people suffer great persecution at the hands of a pagan empire.  A deliverer frees them from oppression and leads them towards a land of their own.

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Roman Persecution Prefigured by Egyptian Slavery

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Constantine Prefigured by Moses

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First St. Peter's Basilica Prefigured by the Tent of Meeting

Tent of Meeting First St. Peter's Basili
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Julian the Apostate Prefigured by the Golden Calf

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Theotokos Prefigured by the Construction of the Ark of the Covenant

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St. Antony of the Desert Prefigured by Moses in the Desert

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Council of Nicaea Prefigured by the Battle of Maraba

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